Dedicated Housemaid & Caregiver: 4 Years' Expertise Rosemarie D.

3-year housemaid, 1-year caregiver. Proven skills in maintaining households and elderly care. Reliable, empathetic, adaptable professional enhancing quality of life.

Rosemarie D.

Available from 06 Aug

  • Video interview Yes
  • Age 46 years
  • Visa status Freelance / Own visa
  • Work Live-out
  • Live in salary Not Applicable
  • Live out salary 3,500 AED to 4,000 AED

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In-depth profile



Current City


Education level

High school


Tagalog (Native), English (Intermediate)

Ok with Pet Friendly homes


Age groups experience


Driving license


Childcare related skills



Household Cleaning, Laundry Ironing, Space Organizing

Cooking experience

Basic Cooking

Introduction about Rosemarie D.

I am a dedicated and experienced professional with a combined background of 3 years as a skilled housemaid and 1 year as a compassionate caregiver. My diverse expertise includes maintaining a clean and organized household while also providing exceptional care to individuals in need. I have successfully cared for a 58-year-old elderly person, demonstrating my ability to offer personalized assistance with daily activities, medication management, and emotional support. My commitment to creating a safe and comfortable environment, coupled with my strong communication and interpersonal skills, allows me to excel in both roles. With a proven track record of reliability, empathy, and adaptability, I am confident in my ability to contribute positively to the well-being and quality of life of those under my care.


Duration: January 2023 - June 2023
Reference: not checked
  • Cleaning and Maintenance: Housemaids are responsible for keeping the interior of the house clean and tidy. This includes tasks such as sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, dusting, and wiping down surfaces. They may also be in charge of maintaining the cleanliness of specific areas, such as bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens, and living spaces.
  • Laundry and Ironing: Housemaids often handle laundry duties, which involve washing, drying, folding, and ironing clothes, linens, and other fabric items. They may also be responsible for sorting and organizing clothing.
  • Meal Preparation: Some housemaids may assist with basic meal preparation, such as chopping vegetables, making simple dishes, and setting the table. However, the extent of their involvement in cooking varies from household to household.
  • Organizing and Decluttering: Housemaids help maintain an organized environment by arranging belongings, organizing closets, and decluttering spaces. They may also assist in storing items properly.
  • Grocery Shopping and Errands: Depending on the arrangement, housemaids may be responsible for grocery shopping, running errands, and purchasing household supplies as needed.
  • Pet Care: Housemaids might also be responsible for feeding, walking, and taking care of pets in the household.
  • Basic Maintenance: Housemaids may perform minor maintenance tasks, such as changing light bulbs, replacing batteries in devices, and reporting any maintenance issues to the homeowner.
  • Communication: Housemaids often communicate with the homeowner or other family members to understand their preferences, needs, and expectations for maintaining the household.

Reference check not completed - did not provide consent

While we understand the importance of employer references in the decision-making process, we encourage you to consider the nanny's demonstrated skill sets and qualifications. Throughout our rigorous screening process, we conducted comprehensive interviews, background checks, and assessments that shed light on her capabilities and suitability for the role. However, we regret to inform you that we were unable to obtain an employer reference from the nanny's previous families as the previous employer has explicitly declined consent to be contacted.

Despite the lack of employer references we encourage you to focus on the nanny's demonstrated abilities and qualifications.

Duration: 2016 - 2018
Reference: not checked
  • Cleaning and Maintenance: Housemaids are responsible for keeping the interior of the house clean and tidy. This includes tasks such as sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, dusting, and wiping down surfaces. They may also be in charge of maintaining the cleanliness of specific areas, such as bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens, and living spaces.
  • Laundry and Ironing: Housemaids often handle laundry duties, which involve washing, drying, folding, and ironing clothes, linens, and other fabric items. They may also be responsible for sorting and organizing clothing.
  • Meal Preparation: Some housemaids may assist with basic meal preparation, such as chopping vegetables, making simple dishes, and setting the table. However, the extent of their involvement in cooking varies from household to household.
  • Organizing and Decluttering: Housemaids help maintain an organized environment by arranging belongings, organizing closets, and decluttering spaces. They may also assist in storing items properly.
  • Grocery Shopping and Errands: Depending on the arrangement, housemaids may be responsible for grocery shopping, running errands, and purchasing household supplies as needed.
  • Pet Care: Housemaids might also be responsible for feeding, walking, and taking care of pets in the household.
  • Basic Maintenance: Housemaids may perform minor maintenance tasks, such as changing light bulbs, replacing batteries in devices, and reporting any maintenance issues to the homeowner.
  • Communication: Housemaids often communicate with the homeowner or other family members to understand their preferences, needs, and expectations for maintaining the household.

Reference check not completed - not in touch anymore

While we understand the importance of employer references in the decision-making process, we encourage you to consider the nanny's demonstrated skill sets and qualifications. Throughout our rigorous screening process, we conducted comprehensive interviews, background checks, and assessments that shed light on her capabilities and suitability for the role. However, it is with regret that we inform you that despite our best efforts, the nanny does not possess the contact details of her previous employers, and she was unable to provide any references for her past experiences to be verified.

Despite the lack of employer references we encourage you to focus on the nanny's demonstrated abilities and qualifications.

Duration: December 2014 - December 2016
Reference: not checked
  • Personal Care: Caregivers assist with personal hygiene and grooming tasks, including bathing, dressing, toileting, and grooming. They may also help with oral care and maintaining personal appearance.
  • Medication Management: Caregivers ensure that medications are taken as prescribed. This may involve administering medications, organizing pill boxes, and keeping track of medication schedules.
  • Mobility and Physical Assistance: Caregivers provide assistance with mobility, which may include helping individuals walk, use wheelchairs or walkers, and transfer from one place to another. They also help with exercises and maintaining physical activity.
  • Meal Preparation: Caregivers plan and prepare meals according to dietary requirements and preferences. They may assist with feeding if needed.
  • Housekeeping: Caregivers may perform light housekeeping tasks, such as cleaning and tidying up the living space, doing laundry, and ensuring a safe and hygienic environment.
  • Companionship: Providing emotional support and companionship is an important aspect of the caregiver's role. They engage in conversations, provide social interaction, and engage in activities to enhance the individual's well-being.
  • Medical Monitoring: Caregivers may assist with monitoring vital signs, observing any changes in health condition, and reporting concerns to medical professionals or family members.
  • Transportation and Errands: Caregivers may provide transportation to medical appointments, social outings, and other errands. They ensure the individual's safety and comfort during travel.
  • Medication Administration: In some cases, caregivers with proper training and qualifications may administer medications, injections, or medical treatments as prescribed by healthcare professionals.
  • Respite Care: Caregivers may provide respite care to allow family caregivers to take a break and recharge. This involves temporarily taking over caregiving responsibilities.
  • Documentation: Caregivers may maintain records of daily activities, changes in health status, and other relevant information to ensure continuity of care.
  • Emotional Support: Caregivers offer emotional support and companionship, helping individuals cope with their challenges and providing a sense of comfort and security.
  • Safety and Fall Prevention: Caregivers take measures to ensure the safety of the individual, including fall prevention strategies and creating a safe living environment.
  • Communication: Caregivers communicate with healthcare professionals, family members, and other caregivers to provide updates on the individual's condition and collaborate on care plans.

Reference check not completed - not in touch anymore

While we understand the importance of employer references in the decision-making process, we encourage you to consider the nanny's demonstrated skill sets and qualifications. Throughout our rigorous screening process, we conducted comprehensive interviews, background checks, and assessments that shed light on her capabilities and suitability for the role. However, it is with regret that we inform you that despite our best efforts, the nanny does not possess the contact details of her previous employers, and she was unable to provide any references for her past experiences to be verified.

Despite the lack of employer references we encourage you to focus on the nanny's demonstrated abilities and qualifications.

Psychometric Report for Rosemarie D.

Rosemarie's scores suggest that she may require additional support and training to develop the essential skills and qualities needed to excel as a nanny. Emotional intelligence and situational judgment are critical traits in providing high-quality care for children.

When considering her suitability as a nanny, it's essential to thoroughly assess other factors such as her experience, qualifications, references, and personal interviews. These additional factors will provide a more comprehensive evaluation of Rosemarie's potential as a nanny and whether she can develop the necessary skills and qualities to effectively care for and support the children entrusted to her. With proper guidance and support, Rosemarie may be able to improve her emotional intelligence and situational judgment over time and become a more effective and nurturing caregiver.

    • Emotional Intelligence: With a score of 50% in Emotional Intelligence, Rosemarie might possess a basic level of emotional awareness and interpersonal skills. With a moderate EI score, Rosemarie could have the potential to develop her emotional intelligence further with training and experience. Rosemarie may have the capacity to improve her empathy towards the emotions of the children under her care over time.
    • Situational Judgment: Rosemarie's score of 40% in Situational Judgment suggests that she might have below-average abilities to assess and respond to various situations that arise while taking care of the children. Rosemarie may find it challenging to make quick and effective decisions, especially in high-pressure or complex situations.Her SJ score indicates that she may struggle to adapt to different situations, which could potentially impact her ability to handle unexpected changes with ease.

Personality report for Rosemarie D.

Rose’s Myers-Briggs personality type is ESFP-T, or the "Entertainer" type. This personality type is known for their natural warmth, creativity, and fun-loving personality. They tend to be outgoing and energetic, which can help them to connect with children and create a playful and enjoyable environment as a nanny.

    • Often enthusiastic and energetic individuals who enjoy having fun. This can translate into bringing a playful and engaging energy to their work with children.
    • Tend to be adaptable and able to roll with changes, which can be an asset in a nanny role where schedules and routines can be disrupted unexpectedly.
    • Can often come up with creative solutions to unexpected problems that may arise in a nanny role.
    • Typically enjoy socializing and connecting with others, which can make them effective at building relationships with both children and parents.
    • Often attentive to their surroundings and the needs of others, which can help them pick up on subtle cues and details that may be important in a childcare setting.
    • May avoid conflict or confrontation, which could make it challenging for them to handle discipline or address any conflicts that arise with the children or the family they work for.
    • Can be spontaneous and impulsive, which may lead to taking risks or making quick decisions without considering the consequences. This could be a concern when it comes to safety or following the family's rules or preferences.
    • May be sensitive to criticism or negative feedback, which could make it difficult for them to handle constructive criticism or feedback from the family they work for. This could also make it challenging to address any concerns or issues that arise on the job.
    • Fun-loving and playful: ESFP-Ts are known for their playful and spontaneous nature, making them great at engaging with children and keeping them entertained.
    • Good at reading emotions: ESFP-Ts have a strong emotional intelligence, which means they can pick up on the emotions of others, including children. This can help them to understand and respond appropriately to children's needs.
    • Excellent at building relationships: ESFP-Ts are highly social and outgoing, making it easy for them to build strong relationships with children and their families.
    • Good at multi-tasking: ESFP-Ts are often able to juggle multiple tasks at once, which can be useful in a busy household where there are multiple children to care for.
    • Willing to take risks: ESFP-Ts are often willing to take risks and try new things, which can be helpful in introducing children to new experiences and encouraging them to step out of their comfort zone.
    • Impulsiveness: ESFP-Ts can be impulsive and may make decisions without thinking through the consequences. This can be a problem when it comes to caring for children, who require a lot of attention and care.
    • Short attention span: ESFP-Ts may have a short attention span and may become easily distracted. This can be a challenge when it comes to engaging children in activities and keeping them entertained.

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